JKH Training Journal

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I just finished the chapter on microprocessors...finally. After taking the review test at the end I only got a 50% that is 5 out of 10 correct. It looks like I need to review. Following are the points of fact that I neglected to realize and thusly missed the questions:

The address BUS provides a channel for the flow of data and commands between the CPU & RAM.

All Pentium and later processors have a 64 bit data bus and a 32 bit address BUS.

All CPUs from the 80386 to the present can rin in only 3 modes: real mode, 286 protected, and 386 protected.

A good tech always checks the motherboard settings for speed, clock multiple, and voltage when replacing/ upgrading a CPU, and should now the speed of the CPU that is being replaced.

Unlike the Pentium the Pentium II is quadpiplined.



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