JKH Training Journal

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Outlook Web Access Comments

I have used Outlook Web Access a total of 3 times now, and I have to say that I am impressed. The look and feel is not only just like Outlook it is just as quick. I'm sure that I will see a big performance hit when I try it on dial-up, but so far it is as good or better than the local client. I will test filters and filing things in folders later this week, but for looking at the inbox and writing messages, IT ROCKS....

The only problem I had was that when I view it with Firefox the look and feel is not as good. It looks more like hotmail than Outlook. I suppose that has something to do with the way IE displays it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I just finished the chapter on microprocessors...finally. After taking the review test at the end I only got a 50% that is 5 out of 10 correct. It looks like I need to review. Following are the points of fact that I neglected to realize and thusly missed the questions:

The address BUS provides a channel for the flow of data and commands between the CPU & RAM.

All Pentium and later processors have a 64 bit data bus and a 32 bit address BUS.

All CPUs from the 80386 to the present can rin in only 3 modes: real mode, 286 protected, and 386 protected.

A good tech always checks the motherboard settings for speed, clock multiple, and voltage when replacing/ upgrading a CPU, and should now the speed of the CPU that is being replaced.

Unlike the Pentium the Pentium II is quadpiplined.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Big Book Has Arrived

All in One A+ Certification Exam Guide Fifth Edition by Michael Meyers & Scott Jernigan.

The Big A+ book landed on my desk yesterday. This thing looks like a dictionary. At first glance it is clear that this book is much more exhaustive than the Dummies book. I read through the chapter on Microprocessors and it seems to be pretty up to date, It mentions SATA drives and L3 Cache, topics that, due to age, were omitted from the other book I'm using.

Nevertheless I am glad I have the Dummies book. It is more of a gloss. Then when I really want to drill down and Geek Out this Monster Book is going to be just the ticket.

Chapter 3 Microprocessors - has a great little anology about how the Microprocessor works called, "The Man in the Box". The gist of it is that the CPU can be compared to this little guy inside a box in the computer. He is a real whiz and can do just about any mathematical computation we out in front of him. Now the challenge is to find a way to communicate with him, and beyond that to make him do what we want and then return the result in a fashion that we can understand.

The solution for getting Data in and out to the Man in the Box is the External Data Bus or EDB. Back to the Analogy: Meyers says that we should imagine that we have a set of 8 light switches that control 8 light bulbs inside the box where the little man can see them. In addition the man also has a set of 8 switches and we have our own set of lightbulbs. So we have a set of 16 switches and bulbs and we communicate to one another through various combinations of lights. Each of us has a "code book" se we know what means what.

What are the codes? Well once again he asks us to imagine that the man in the box has 4 different work tables. Each table represents the CPUs general purpose resiters where the machine actually does the calculation. Obviously there are a lot more than 4 but for the sake of this narrative the author foceus on 4 the AX, BX, CX, and DX general purpose registers. Instead of having only 8 lights to work with these tables in our example have 16.

The author is very careful to note that this is all just anaolgy and that instead of lights what we are really dealing with is a bunch of semicondictive wires that alternate between on and off and can thusly mimick the same kind of code stuff as our Man in the Box. All of this code stuff is called "Machine Language"

I will create a post in the near future about how the "clock" works in the microprocesor and how this clock controls the speed at which the man in the box can crucnch his numbers. At that Time I will talk a little about the terminology of "Clock Speed"

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Looking in to PERL

Recently I spent some time looking into PERL. I think that PERL may hold some help in my longing to process the DHCP reservation list into an up to date database/spreadsheet. I installed ActivePERL on my desktop and will be checking out possibilities in my personal study time in the near future. While this is does not fulfill one of this quarter's goals it gets me started on my goal for the year to complete a small programming project that benefits the team.

FF ->> 10 days
Last night I spent some time in the wee hours playing with Active Perl and trying to pull text from a file and then parse it, and then have it print out. The following is what I wrote. I am quite proud of it even though it is extremely elementary:

@name = "Joshua Henry";
print @name;
print @doc

Ok - Ok I just tried it and now it doesn't work! I'm not sure why. Clearly I have much much more to learn. I am going to publish this now and report back after I have fixed it.

Monday, February 07, 2005

What I need to know...

A+ Certification Notes from A+ Certification for Dummies:

After reading the first six chapters I know that I need to brush up on the following:

converting numbers from binary to decimal
converting numbers from hex to decimal

What is ESD, how does it work and why is it so bad?

All the basic electronics terms - listed below:

Basic Electronics Terms

conductor– a material that carries an electrical current

insulator– a material that won't carry an electrical current

semiconductor– a material that alternates between conductor and insulator depending on what it was the last time it took an electrical charge. It will always alternate between the two.

– a semiconductor that stores 1 binary value.

capacitor– an electrical device that stores charge

diode– a one way valve that allows the current to flow in only one direction.

– acts to slow down the flow of current in a circuit.

Friday, February 04, 2005

ESD and why it is so Bad

ESD or electrostatic discharge is touted by the A+ Exam prep books as the Computer technicians WORST NIGHTMARE. It can apparently damage a PC with a charge that is below the threshold of human sensation. In others words you don't have to get zapped to goof up a PC. (Honestly I have never seen an example of ESD damaging a PC that I support. With the glaring exception of those home computers that have been zapped by lightning.)


An ESD shock of 30 volts can destroy a computer circuit, and an ESD shock that a person can feel is 2,500 volts or more. It you expect that painful little blue arc between your finger and the doorknob the voltage is kicked up to 20,000 volts before you can see it. Ouch!!*

In order to prevent ESD you should always wear a gounded wrist strap that's connected to either a grounding mat or the PC chassis. The exception to this rule is the monitor, DO NOT wear a grounding strap when working on a monitor. ( the monitor holds a powerful charge even when the power is off)*

An antistatic bag (like replacement part arrive in) is treated to be conductive. It actually abosrbs static electricity from the components it protects. Subsequently, never place a circuit board on antistatic material and then turn the power on. In this case ever pin and part on the board that has contact with the bag will short to every other part, different components require varied voltages and the small voltage parts will be destroyed by the connection created between them and the high voltage parts. (ie Any 5-volt component connected to a 12-volt component is gonna get toasted)*

As I learn more about ESD I will put it in this entry.

*This information is an adapted paraphrase from A+ Certification for Dummies: by Ron Gilster

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A+ Book Choice

I will use the 1999 edition of A+ Certification for Dummies & a new title yet to be decided. Following are the front runners:

The A+ Certification and PC Repair Handbook – From Walmart.com

A+ Certification: How to Pass Your Exams

The A+ Certification All-In-One-Exam Guidesee review

The A+ Exams Guidesee review

2005 Training Journal - 1st Quarter Goals

My 1st Training Checkpoint is on April 22nd at 1:30pm - My goal is to be able to report all of the following as complete: (Solid bullets are goals, others are steps to complete the goal)

  • Pass A+ Certification Test
    • Indentify & Read Training Text
    • Prepare for Test
    • Schedule, Take & Pass the Test
  • Learn about MS-Exchange / Outlook
    • Use Outlook & exchange for 2 weeks
    • Journal Observations & Technical incidents
    • Attend Feb 10th 2 hour session on Outlook 2003 Tips & Techniques
    • Practice /Test install of Exchange on Virtual Machine Win2003 Server
  • Find Text for MCP Exam Prep